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Happy Hour Catering & Events Food Contribution


Happy Hour Catering and Events joyfully invites you to join her monthly contribution.....

There are 4 different categories for you to choose from:

*CATEGORY 1*: Kessy Group

N2000 Monthly.


Items to be collected at the end of the year:

👉Goat meat sharing(5 persons to a goat)

👉 8kg Rice bag(2rubbers).

👉1/2 carton of sachet tomatoes

👉A pack of knorr

👉A pack of salt

👉Spaghetti (2 packs)

👉1 litre of Kings groundnut oil

👉Cornflakes (500g)

*Maximum persons required in this category is 12.

CATEGORY 2:Kerry Group

N4000 Monthly...


Items to be collected at the end of the year:

👉1/4Goat meat(4 persons to a goat).

👉10kg bag of rice

👉A carton of indomie

👉2 rolls of sachet tomatoes

👉A pack of knorr

👉A pack of salt

👉2 litres of Kings groundnut oil

👉Milk (500g)

👉Milo (500g)

👉 Cornflakes (1kg)

*Maximum persons here is 10 only.

CATEGORY 3:Kenny VIP Group

N6000 Monthly,



Items to be collected:

👉Live Cow(5 persons to a cow)

👉Bag of Rice(25kg)

👉A carton of noodles

👉3 litres of Kings groundnut oil

👉Quarter carton of medium size tin tomatoes

👉Onions(a full rubber)

👉A pack of knorr.



👉 Spaghetti /macaroni (quarter)

👉1 Daviva fabric (wrapper)

*Maximum 10 Persons*.


Items to be collected...

👉Half goat

👉Rice bag(25kg)

👉3 litres of Kings oil

👉A carton of noodles

👉 A carton of sachet tomatoes

👉Onions(a full rubber)

👉A pack of star maggi



👉Spaghetti/macaroni (quarter)

👉1 Daviva fabric.

CATEGORY 4:Kelly VVIP Group.

#12,000 Monthly....



Items to be shared:

👉4 persons to Share a live 🐄.

👉A bag of rice(50kg)

👉A carton of medium size tin tomatoes

👉5 litres of Kings groundnut oil.

👉Onions(full rubber)

👉A pack of knorr

👉Salt (1kg)

👉1 carton of Spaghetti/Macaroni


👉Milo (900g)

👉Golden morn (900g)

👉A carton of noodles

👉1 Hitarget


👉1 live goat

👉Rice 50kg

👉1 carton of medium size tin tomatoes

👉5 litres of Kings groundnut oil

👉Onions(full rubber)

👉A pack of star Maggi



👉Golden morn (900g)

👉Salt 1kg

👉 A carton of spaghetti/macaroni

👉A carton of noodles

👉One Hitarget

Please note:

-Contributions starts in January 28 2021 to December 2021....

All payments will be made on or before the 28th of every month, failure to do so will attract a fine of 500 flat.

Items will be shared/collected from 15th to 18th of December, 2021.

Special gifts will be given to the first 5 People, who pay early & consistently to the end.

Atleast 2 months notice shouldbegiven by any participant who wishes to collect his/ money& 10% of the total sum contributed will be for Happy Hour Catering and Events.....

Welcome on board!!! Happy Hour Catering and Events food sharing group..... hope to every home. Call/dm to book a slot.... Signed: Ngowari Oba (Mrs)


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